The FIRST POWER UP game is played on a 27' x 54' field with two competing ALLIANCES that are made up of three teams stationed on each side.

The goal of the game is to deliver power cubes to the SWITCHES and the SCALE, which, when controlled by a team, earns a continuous amount of points for that team.

The MATCH lasts for 2 minutes and 30 seconds, with the first 15 seconds being an AUTONOMOUS period, where robots run on their own without human interaction.
Owning the Switch (During Teleop) 1 + 1/second
Owning the Scale (During Teleop) 1 + 1/second
Placing Power Cubes in the Vault 5
Parking At The Scale 5
Climbing The Scale 30
Diagram of Arena layout

Teams may also deliver POWER CUBES to their VAULT to earn POWER-UPS that provide benefits for their team for a limited time, such as increasing the rate at which they earn points from their SCALE or SWITCH, and gaining control of their SWITCH or the SCALE if the opponent team controls it.

During the last 30 seconds of the MATCH, robots may CLIMB the SCALE so that they can DEFEAT THE BOSS.

The team with the most points at the end of the MATCH wins! For more information about the game, click here.